Teaching Systems Analysis and Design: A Comprehensive and Experiential Framework


Authors: A. James Wynne, H. Roland Weistroffer

Tags: 2005, course framework, systems development, unified process

Typically, the Systems Analysis and Design course
requirements for departments offering a major in
information systems are achieved by either a single
course that combines systems analysis (logical design),
and systems design (physical design), or a two-semester
sequence, focusing on systems analysis one semester, and
systems design in the second semester. Though the
important concepts are usually covered in either approach,
students in most cases do not experience the actual
comprehensive steps in designing, building and
implementing a system from the logical specifications
discovered through analysis. This paper describes a twocourse sequence currently in place that incorporates the
analysis, design, and implementation of the system
through a comprehensive experiential learning process.

Cite as:
Wynne A.J., Weistroffer H.R. (2005). “Teaching Systems Analysis and Design: A Comprehensive and Experiential Framework,” in AIS SIGSAND 2005, Cincinnati, OHIO, United States, April 23-24, 2005.