AIS SIGSAND was born on March 2, 2002 in Miami, FL. Below is the email invitation to the first meeting at Florida International University.
We would like to invite you to participate in a symposium titled “Research in Systems Analysis and Design In the Information Systems Field,” which will be held in Miami, Florida on March 2 and 3, 2002. We have extended this invitation to less than 30 people who are working or have done work in this area recently, and hope that most of you will be able to attend.
Dear Colleague,
Attached is a document outlining the rationale for the symposium, the objectives we hope to achieve at the meeting, and a draft agenda. Briefly, we believe that research in systems analysis and design lies at the core of the information systems field, but is not receiving the attention it merits from the discipline at large. We would like to use this meeting to plan activities that will help increase the interest in and attention to this kind of research.
We hope you share this view, and are willing to attend the symposium.
Unfortunately, we cannot pay your travel and accommodation costs, but with some support from Florida International University, we expect to be able to cover the cost of meals during the meeting, and provide local transportation between the hotel and the University. In addition, we are in the process of negotiating a special hotel rate for the symposium.
Please respond to Jeff Parsons ( by Wednesday, January 29 to let us know whether or not you will be able to attend. We will provide more information about the agenda and local arrangements once we have finalized the list of attendees.
If you have any questions or comments about the symposium, please contact one of us for further information. We hope to see you in Miami.
Dinesh Batra
Jeff Parsons
Ramesh Venkataraman
Yair Wand
And this is how it all began. SIGSAND bloomed into a world-class forum for academics and practitioners interested in topics related to systems analysis and design. To learn more about which topics SIGSAND covers, click here. For the report on the activities in the last 10 years, click here.