The Changing Landscape of Software Development: Building Schools of Goldfish, not Thoroughbreds


Authors: George Mount, Gregory Rose, Kalle Lyytinen, Karoly Bozan

Tags: 2018, innovation theory and models, IS applications, IS innovation, software management, system development

We review the contemporary landscape of software development practices, methods, and products using the quad-core IS innovation model framework that evaluates the pervasiveness and radicalness of innovation in system development. We find that each innovation type and subtype are affected by a host of new practices and products that have emerged during the past decade suggesting a deep and pervasive change in software development practices, methods, and products. In all categories IT innovations prove to be radical in that they cannot be substituted by earlier innovations. The study organizes the IT based base, process, and service innovations to a hierarchical classification as to highlight their depth, breadth, and radicalness. Another observation is that finer granularity is need in Type II innovation type (IS services) in light of emerging new AI and IoT based services.

Cite as:
Bozan K, Lyytinen K., Rose G., and Mount G. (2018). “The Changing Landscape of Software Development: Building Schools of Goldfish, not Thoroughbreds,” in AIS SIGSAND, Syracuse, NY, United States, May 23 – 25, 2018.