The effect of graphic style on data model interpretation


Authors: J. C. Nordbotten, M. E. Crosby

Tags: 1999, conceptual modeling

Graphic data models are commonly used as a tool for presentation ofinformation structures in the design, implementation, use and maintenance of thedatabases that support information systems. The methods proposed for databasedesign assume that the use of graphic data models will enhance understanding ofsystem specifications by both the end-users and the implementers of the system.For this assumption to hold, the information presented in the graphic data modelmust be readily comprehensible so that the design, represented by the model, canbe confirmed and implemented correctly. The lack of standard representations forgraphic models has led to a variety of graphic styles. To date, there has been littlefocus on studying the effect graphic style has on model comprehension. We havestudied the effect of three graphic styles proposed for data models on model legi-bility and interpretation. Our study shows a significant variation in model inter-pretation that can be attributed to the graphic syntax used. Graphic style appears toinfluence which model elements are included in the interpretation, as well as theway data models are read.

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