The Entity-Relationship Event Network (EREN) Technique for Effective Data Modeling


Authors: Dinesh Batra

Tags: 2011, entity–relationship model, event, relational model, transaction

The resource-event-agent (REA) data model was proposed as a semantic approach for modeling transactions involved in value-chain activities. However, many events are not transactions; thus, the REA formulation is incomplete. The entity-relationship event network (EREN) model discussed in this paper extends the REA model by providing a comprehensive data template for an event. Based on this template, the EREN technique is being developed.

Cite as:
Batra D., (2011). “The Entity-Relationship Event Network (EREN) Technique for Effective Data Modeling,” in AIS SIGSAND, Bloomington, IN , United States, June 3-4, 2011.