The role of modelling in achieving information systems success: UML to the rescue?


Authors: Fred Niederman, Joyce Chan, Moez Limayem, Tor J. Larsen

Tags: 2007, conceptual modeling

Much computer science literature addresses the mechanics of theUnified Modelling Language (UML) and requirements modelling, but little researchhas addressed the role of UML in the broader organizational and project devel-opment context. This study uses a socio-technical approach to consider UML asa technology embedded in a social environment. In this study, project developerswere interviewed in detail about their use of UML along with influences on theirdecisions to use this approach and the results of using it. Data were analyzedusing causal mapping. Major findings included: (1) that definitions of success maydiffer by unit of analysis (e.g., developer, project, organization) and that therelationship among these definitions are complex; (2) a very large number ofvariables impacting project success were identified; (3) a number of importantvariables exist in complex (non-linear) relationships with project success; and (4)the majority of interviewees linked the use of UML to project success.

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