Toward a Domain Ontology for Organizational Change


Authors: Louise A. Harris

Tags: 2018, change communication, change scope, domain ontology, organizational change, stakeholder engagement

Early and effective engagement of stakeholders in scoping and designing organizational change positively influences the success of implementing the change. A domain ontology is very useful for ensuring common understanding of key concepts across various stakeholders. A domain ontology for organizational change can provide a consistent foundation for developing interactive communication methods and tools to enable effective stakeholder engagement, such as a visual modeling grammar for creating scripts to model and manage change. Research related to scoping organizational change is spread across multiple domains and uses different terminology and overlapping concepts. This paper draws on multiple streams of management research to present a preliminary integrated domain ontology for articulating the scope of organizational change.

Cite as:
Harris L.A. (2018). “Toward a Domain Ontology for Organizational Change,” in AIS SIGSAND, Syracuse, NY, United States, May 23 – 25, 2018.