Towards the construction of workflow‐suitable conceptual modelling techniques


Authors: A. H. M. ter Hofstede, A. P. Barros

Tags: 1998, conceptual modeling

Despite their high-level and graphical nature, workflow specificationsrequire a significant amount of implementation detail Ð for example applicationprogramming interface, database access and programming mechanisms forinformation flow Ð for a more comprehensive validation than is currently possible.This is currently recognized as a deficiency in workflow conceptualization. Althoughconceptual modelling techniques are available which are expressive, comprehen-sive and precise enough, we believe, their concepts and features are not specia-lized enough for workflow domains. In this paper, we offer a comparative insight intotechniques which characterize different aspects and approaches of workflowspecifications. These are: structured process modelling, object-oriented modelling,behavioural process modelling and business-oriented modelling. In particular, wedetermine gaps for workflows capturing operational business transaction proces-sing, for example those of insurance claims, bank loans and government-relatedregistration. For technique construction, we describe five workflow suitability principles.

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