Two empirical studies on the role of conceptual modeling in domain understanding in agile is development


Authors: Michael Wufka, Yair Wand

Tags: 2012, agile development, conceptual modeling

Agile development methods such as Extreme Programming or Scrum typically do not prescribe specific conceptual modeling practices. In fact, the agile paradigm generally discourages extensive use of noncode artifacts such as documentation and models. However, theoretical considerations and anecdotal empirical evidence suggest that conceptual modeling might be beneficial in agile software development, and that a wide range of conceptual modeling methods might be used by agile practitioners. This document describes two studies to investigate the role conceptual modeling does and should play in agile IS development: A webbased survey to find out more about actual modeling use and domain understanding issues by agile practitioners, and an exploratory experiment about the impact of conceptual modeling use on agile development.

Cite as:
Wufka M. and Wand Y. (2012), “Two empirical studies on the role of conceptual modeling in domain understanding in agile is development,” in AIS SIGSAND, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 1-2, 2012.