Using Goal-Based Concepts to Improve the Understandability of Organizational Context in Use-Case and Class Diagrams


Authors: Carson Woo, Sase Singh

Tags: 2010, goals, requirements engineering, UML diagrams

Goals have been used in the Requirements Engineering field to document information systems needs. However, their utilization in later information systems development is still not clear. In this paper, we developed a methodology to guide systems analysts in using information in goals to draw UML diagrams – specifically Use-Case and Class diagrams. To further understand the usefulness and usability of goals in information systems development, we developed an experimental study. Our aim is to show that drawing UML diagrams with the help of goals will provide richer information about the business domain when compared to drawing UML diagrams directly from a case description.

Cite as:
Singh S. and Woo C. (2010). “Using Goal-Based Concepts to Improve the Understandability of Organizational Context in Use-Case and Class Diagrams,” in AIS SIGSAND, St. John’s, NL, Canada, May 29-30, 2010.