A Real-World ERP Pre-Implementation Case for the Classroom


Authors: James Bierstaker, Janice C. Sipior, Johnny Lee

Tags: 2014, Q Chung, teaching case

This article presents the results of an empirical evaluation of the use of a real-world case study, based on an actual Big Four consulting engagement, to teach information systems and accounting courses. While alternative approaches for adopting the case are suggested, we used the case study in an undergraduate case competition judged by Big Four partners to enhance realism. Students, working in teams, assumed the role of consultants and defended their recommendations involving the assessment of key business process controls within the final phase of ERP implementation. In this process, students are expected to benefit by understanding the relationship between information systems and accounting in an ERP implementation project; learning to work more effectively in teams; and improving analytical, oral, and written communication skills. Evaluation of the use of the case study in an undergraduate case competition, judged by Big Four partners, shows that the students generally agreed that they had attained these benefits. The actual case materials, questions with suggested solutions, case competition rules and procedures, judges’ assessment form, and the winning team’s written report and PowerPoint presentation slides are provided.

Source: https://aisel.aisnet.org/cais/vol34/iss1/6/