planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

Journal Papers

Please find the recent articles from scientific journals in information systems, computer science, software engineering and other disciplines.

Specifying and executing behavioral requirements: the play-in/play-out approach

A powerful methodology for scenario-based specification of reactive systems is described, in which the behavior is "played in" directly...

Generating instance models from meta models

Meta modeling is a wide-spread technique to define visual languages, with the UML being the most prominent one. Despite...

Reusable model transformations

Model transformations written for an input metamodel may often apply to other metamodels that share similar concepts. For example,...

Contract-based modeling and verification of timed safety requirements within SysML

In order to cope with the growing complexity of critical real-time embedded systems, systems engineering has adopted a component-based...

Correct-by-construction synthesis of model transformations using transformation patterns

Model transformations are an essential part of model-based development approaches, such as Model-driven Architecture (MDA) and Model-driven Development (MDD)....

Expert’ voice: The BabyUML discipline of programming: (where a Program =data + Communication +Algorithms)

I want increased confidence in my programs. I want my own and other people's programs to be more readable....

Transformation challenges: from software models to performance models

A software model can be analysed for non-functional requirements by extending it with suitable annotations and transforming it into...

Automatic derivation of BPEL4WS from IDEF0 process models

Integration definition for function modelling (IDEF0) is one of the most popular notations for modelling business processes. It employs...

A systematic approach to generate B preconditions: application to the database domain

Maintaining integrity constraints in information systems is a real issue. In our previous work, we have defined a formal...

Towards a model-driven engineering approach for the assessment of non-functional properties using multi-formalism

Model-driven techniques can be used to automatically produce formal models from different views of a system realised by using...