planning - designing - developing IT
Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design

Journal Papers

Please find the recent articles from scientific journals in information systems, computer science, software engineering and other disciplines.

Formalizing and validating behavioral models through the event calculus

Accurate gathering of requirements is a major concern during conceptual modelling. Such accurateness can only be achieved through major...

Visualization of conceptual specifications

The development of a large information system is generally regarded as one of the most complex activities undertaken by...

A multi-level approach to modeling language extension in the Enterprise Systems Domain

As the number and diversity of technologies involved in building enterprise systems continues to grow so does the importance...

A framework for expressing semantic relationships between multiple information systems for cooperation

After many years of information systems development, most private and public organizations are characterized by the presence of multiple...

A role model and its metaclass implementation

The role generic relationship for conceptual modeling relates a class of objects (e.g., persons) and classes of roles (e.g.,...

Concept maps as the first step in an ontology construction method

A method is proposed to be used as the first step in the ontology acquisition process. This method is...

Developing a meta model for the Bunge–Wand–Weber ontological constructs

At the core of the analysis task in the development process is information systems requirements modelling. Modelling of requirements...

Extracting the extended entity-relationship model from a legacy relational database

The maintenance of an existing database depends on the depth of understanding of its characteristics. Such an understanding is...

BPMN Miner: Automated discovery of BPMN process models with hierarchical structure

Existing techniques for automated discovery of process models from event logs generally produce flat process models. Thus, they fail...

Using UML Action Semantics for model execution and transformation

The Unified Modelling Language (UML) lacks precise and formal foundations and semantics for several modeling constructs, such as transition...