Subtyping and polymorphism in object-role modelling
Although Entity-Relationship (ER) modelling techniques are commonly used for information modelling, Object-Role Modelling (ORM) techniques are becoming increasingly popular,...
Automated analysis of integrity constraints in multi-level models
Multi-level modelling is a technology for model-based development that enables the incremental refinement of models in successive meta-levels, which...
Adoption of OSS components: A goal-oriented approach
Open Source Software (OSS) has become a strategic asset for a number of reasons, such as short time-to-market software...
Conceptual schemas with abstractions Making flat conceptual schemas more comprehensible
Flat graphical, conceptual modeling techniques are widely accepted as visually effective ways in which to specify and communicate the...
Multiple abstraction levels in modelling product structures
The need for product customisation is driving industrial companies towards a very large product variety, which aects many functions...
Enhancing information systems management with natural language processing techniques
Natural language and databases are core components of information systems. They are related to each other because they share...
The deontic pattern ± a framework for domain analysis in information systems design
Methods for the reuse of speci®cation knowledge have been developed to reduce the costs of systems development. One approach...
A framework for the design and evaluation of reverse engineering methods for relational databases
It is often difficult to obtain a good conceptual understanding of a legacy database, especially when there is a...
An algebra for specifying valid compound terms in faceted taxonomies
A faceted taxonomy is a set of taxonomies, each describing a given knowledge domain from a different aspect. The...
Using the uni-level description (ULD) to support data-model interoperability
We describe a framework called the Uni-Level Description (ULD) for accurately representing information from a broad range of data...