From reference ontologies to ontology patterns and back
Building proper reference ontologies is a hard task. There are a number of methods and toolsthat traditionally have been...
On the feasibility of using conceptual modeling constructs for the design andanalysis of XML...
XML is one of the most widely accepted data representation languages in today's Internet-dominated Computing. While most XML data...
An ontology-driven unifying metamodel of UML Class Diagrams,EER, and ORM2
AsbtractSoftware interoperability and application integration can be realized through using theirrespective conceptual data models, which may be represented in...
Methodological guidelines for reusing general ontologies
Currently, there is a great deal of well-founded explicit knowledge formalizing general notions,such as time concepts and thepart_ofrelation. Yet,...
A Unified Modelling Language without referential redundancy
The paper argues that, as a language for representing concrete problem domains, the quality of the UMLis compromised by...
Variable set semantics for keyed generalized sketches:formal semantics for object identity and abstract syntaxfor...
We introduce a mathematical framework where a formal semantics for object identity can be built ir-respectively to computer related...
Natural language processing-enhanced extraction of SBVR businessvocabularies and business rules from UML use case...
Discovery, specification and proper representation of various aspects of business knowledgeplays crucial part in model-driven information systems engineering, especially...
The impact of linguistics on conceptual models: consistency and understandability
This paper describes a vision in which linguistic knowledge and theories are introduced into conceptual modeling, and it sums...
Ontologies for conceptual modeling: their creation, use,and management
Although ontologies have been proposed as an important and natural means of representing real worldknowledge for the development of...
Conceptual modelling of web information systems
This paper presents the conceptual modelling parts of a methodology for the design of large-scale data-intensive web information systems...