Conceptual Modeling Research: Revisiting and Updating Wand and Weber’s 2002 Research Agenda


Authors: Arturo Castellanos, Binny Samuel, Jan Recker, Mohammad Jabbari, Roman Lukyanenko

Tags: 2018, conceptual modeling, literature review, research agenda, research opportunities, scholarly impact

This article examines published research in conceptual modeling, assesses how research in conceptual modeling has evolved, and identifies new research opportunities. Specifically, we assess the scholarly impact of Wand and Weber’s seminal commentary on information systems and conceptual modeling published in Information Systems Research (ISR) in 2002 on the 15 years that followed. Using a literature review, we identified two findings: 1) many opportunities have been addressed substantially while others have been entirely neglected; and 2) many studies reported on topics that were not even envisaged in the research agenda. Using latent semantic analysis we show a recent shift in focus of conceptual modeling research to address emerging needs and technologies. To maintain relevance of conceptual modeling research, we developed a new framework that accommodates the previous framework, novel topics, and advances in digital technology. The new framework provides contemporary guidance for future conceptual modeling research in information systems.

Cite as:
Jabbari M., Lukyanenko R., Recker J., Samuel B., and Castellanos A. (2018). “Conceptual Modeling Research: Revisiting and Updating Wand and Weber’s 2002 Research Agenda,” in AIS SIGSAND, Syracuse, NY, United States, May 23 – 25, 2018.