Crux or curio? Expanding the role of conceptual modeling in the introductory information systems curriculum


Authors: Roman Lukyanenko

Tags: 2018, conceptual modeling, database design, mis textbooks, systems analysis and design, undergraduate MIS curriculum

Historically, conceptual modeling played a central role in the information systems curriculum, but evidence is mounting that its importance is beginning to diminish. As the introductory MIS curriculum offers the students the glimpse of the field and sets them on course for a deeper exploration of the information systems discipline, if this trend deepens, important information systems knowledge may be lost. In this paper, we explore some of the potential causes for the shrinkage of the conceptual modeling content in the introductory MIS curriculum, and also offer several potential solutions. With this work we continue the ongoing debate within the academic community on the role of conceptual modeling in the curriculum and in the discipline, more broadly.

Cite as:
Lukyanenko R. (2018). “Crux or curio? Expanding the role of conceptual modeling in the introductory information systems curriculum,” in AIS SIGSAND, Syracuse, NY, United States, May 23 – 25, 2018.