Strategic Data Planning: Lessons From the Field


Authors: Dale L. Goodhue, Judith A. Ouillard, Laurie J. Kirsch, Michael D. Wybo

Tags: 1992, conceptual modeling

In spite of strong conceptual arguments for the value of strategic data planning as a means to increase data integration in iarge organizations, empirical research has found more evidence of problems than of success. In this paper, four detailed case studies of SDP efforts, along with summaries of five previously reported efforts, are analyzed. Fifteen specific propositions are offered, with two overall conclusions. The first conclusion is that SDP, though conceived of as a generally appropriate method, may not be the best planning approach in all situations. The second conclusion is that the SDP method of analyzing business functions and their data requirements may not be the best way to develop a “data architecture,” given the required level of commitment of talented individuals, the cost, the potential errors, and the high level of abstraction of the result. These lessons can aid practitioners in deciding when to use SDP and guide them as they begin the process of rethinking and modifying the SDP to be more effective.

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