Towards a Consolidated View of Modeling in Information System Analysis


Authors: Carson Woo, Wei Sun, Yair Wand

Tags: 2015, conceptual schema modeling, domain understanding, information system analysis, information systems, modeling, requirements engineering, terminology

Modeling is commonly used for analysis in several IS areas. In each area, general terminologies have been proposed, but due to differences in research purposes and specializations, the respective scopes are limited and may be inconsistent. This creates difficulties of understanding and collaboration for researchers and practitioners in different areas. To address this , we surveyed the relevant areas, selected and summarized a general terminology for each, with the aim of creating an areaspecific perspective of modeling. Subsequently, we reconciled inter-area inconsistencies and consolidated the perspectives. The result visualizes and defines the relevant concepts and their connections, and provides a comprehensive picture of modeling in IS analysis. Terms can now be used across multiple modeling methods, to coordinate, evaluate and compare.

Cite as:
Sun W., Wand Y., and Woo C. (2015). “Towards a Consolidated View of Modeling in Information System Analysis,” in AIS SIGSAND, Richmond, VA, United States, May 13-15, 2015.